Hear what people are saying about YFC Camp...

From Dan Wolgemuth, YFC/USA President

“I witnessed camp in a unique and powerful way this past summer. I witnessed it through the lens of pain and promise, with brokenness and restoration. It changed me…and not just a little bit. To see the amazing way that God works when young people are a part of a camp setting was both encouraging and motivational. I am committed to camping as a key tool for demonstrating the love of Christ, modeling the power of a unified team, and in presenting the gospel in unmistakable ways.”

Student Testimonials

"This week God taught me to look beyond what my eyes can see."

"I realized that by surrendering my life to Christ I can be the ultimate me. I also learned that His plans for my life far exceed those I can make on my own."

"I know now that I am the most important and beautiful thing God has created."

"God healed a lot of places in my heart that were wounded and He really confirmed for me that He does not condemn me."

"This camp made me realize that I want Christ in my life!"

"I found HOPE here."

"I’ve grown up in church and have been to some amazing camps – but this absolutely tops them."

"This week was the best week of my life!"

Staff Testimonials

"I had lunch with Nic today – a kid who just graduated and came to camp. Nic would like to pursue a year-long project serve trip anywhere in the globe. He’s open to wherever God leads him!"

"I am so grateful to have spent a week alongside of YFC in battle. We are definitely the HARDCORE winners this week! Yessssssss!"

"I was encouraged because I felt like this was the most clear I have ever heard the Gospel proclaimed!"

"I’m encouraged to keep fighting the fight. It makes all the hard work worth it when I see God move in incredible ways."

"Unofficially, we had six kids pray to receive Christ, six students rededicate their lives and two more who are seriously considering starting a relationship with Christ…and that’s all the kids we brought!"

"I’m excited with where YFC is headed – I can return home with a new excitement for ministry and a freedom to be more creative in how I reach lost kids."

"I feel lucky to be a part of this year’s camp and so impressed with our National movement and vision!"